Dental Coverage for Medical Card Holders

Free Dental Services Await You!

Are you enrolled in Medi-Cal? If the answer is yes, you’re in for some great news! You can get free dental services at Laguna Hills Denti!
If you aren’t enrolled in Medi-Cal, you should do it right away. If you qualify, your physiological and dental health are sorted for good!

What is Medi-Cal?

Medi-Cal is short for California Medical Assistance Program, which offers health and dental coverage to qualified California residents absolutely free of cost!
All individuals who qualify for Medi-Cal are also eligible for Denti-Cal, through which qualified individuals can avail of free dental services. Seniors, persons with disabilities, pregnant women, and families with limited income and resources can enroll themselves in Medi-Cal and get high-quality medical and dental treatments for free.

Laguna Hills Denti is proud to be a part of Medi-Cal and extends its dental support and expertise to deserving individuals to ensure sound dental health!

United for a Better Purpose

Laguna Hills Denti has united with Medi-Cal and enrolled itself as a registered clinic where qualified California residents can visit for free dental services. We aim to improve dental health in as many individuals as we possibly can. No one should have to live with poor dental health only because they don’t have sufficient resources to seek dental attention.

If you’ve been experiencing dental pain and a dentist has advised you to get your tooth extracted or a root canal, but the procedure cost is something you can spare, dental coverage for Medi-Cal card holders has got you covered.

Visit us at Laguna Hills Denti, show us your Medi-Cal card, and that’s it! We’ll take it from there to ensure you get the necessary dental treatment quickly!

Dental Coverage for Medical Card Holders

Laguna Hills Denti offers all medical services enlisted as allowable under the Denti-Cal program. Qualified California residents can avail of any of these medical services for free just by showing their Medi-Cal card. No questions asked, no conditions imposed!

Dental coverage for Medi-Cal card holders is excellent, to say the least!


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